American Educational Research Association (AERA) and National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) 2025

Presentations, papers, panel discussions, roundtables, and mentoring sessions featuring Simmons professors and doctoral students participating in the 2025 AERA Conference can be found below. Complete information, as well as general conference information, is available at the website and the website.

Wednesday, April 23

  • 9:00am to 10:30am (MDT)


    Caitie Dougherty (SMU)- Chair
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1

  • 9:00am to 10:30am (MDT)


    Kim Nelson Pryor- Discussant
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2D

  • 9:00am to 10:30am (MDT)


    Charity Lewallen- Chair
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 3D

  • 10:50am to 12:20pm (MDT)


    Annie Wright (SMU)- Chair
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 111

  • 12:40pm to 2:10pm (MDT)


    Kelsey E. Schenck (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 709

  • 12:40pm to 2:10pm (MDT)


    Julianna Claiborne Washington (SMU), Candace A. Walkington (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F

  • 12:40pm to 2:10pm (MDT)


    Yanjun Pan (SMU), Ching-Yu Tseng (SMU), Lawrence J. Klinkert (SMU, Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller (SMU), Eric C. Larson (SMU), Corey Clark (CMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F

  • 12:40pm to 2:10pm (MDT)


    Doy Kim, (UW-Madison), Kelsey E. Schenck (SMU), Fangli Xia (UW-Madison), Michael I. Swart (UW-Madison), Candace A. Walkington (SMU), Mitchell J. Nathan (UW-Madison)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F

  • 12:40pm to 2:10pm (MDT)


    Mai Zaru (SMU), Cheyenne Phillips (SMU), Shane Neal (SMU), Shanea Neal (SMU), Meredith Paige Richards (SMU), Kessa Roberts (USU), Alexandria E. Pavlakis (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 12:40pm to 2:10pm (MDT)


    J. Kyle Roberts (SMU), Ellen Taylor (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 703

  • 2:30pm to 4:00pm (MDT)


    Dylan E. Farmer (SMU), Dawn Manaster Levy (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room, Room 404

  • 4:20pm to 5:50pm (MDT)


    Yanjun Pan (SMU), Ching-Yu (SMU), Hao He (ESU), Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller (SMU), Eric C. Larson (SMU), Corey Clark (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F

  • 4:20pm to 5:50pm (MDT)


    Charity Lewallen (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2E

  • 4:20pm to 5:50pm (MDT)


    Mai Zaru (SMU), Alexandra E. Pavlakis (SMU), Margaret Hall (UNO), Michelle Friend (UNO)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 608

Thursday, April 24

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Maricela Leon (SMU), Quentin Sedlacek (SMU), Mahjabin Chowdhury (A&M), Amy Gillespie Rouse (UQ), Keller Young (UI), Xinjie Chen (CUHK)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Gozde Sirganci- Presenter (SMU), Yusuf Kara (UM), Joseph F.T. Nese (UO), Akihito Kamata (SMU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Colorado Ballroom, Room AB

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Xin Qiao- Presenter (USF), Cornelis Potgieter (TCU), Akihito Kamata (SMU), Paul David Foster (SMU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Colorado Ballroom, Room CD

  • 9:45am to 11:15am (MDT)


    Annette Vernon (UI)- Chair, Gozde Sirganci (SMU)- Discussant
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Denver Ballroom, Lower Level 2, Room 3

  • 9:45am to 11:15am (MDT)


    Burcu Arslan (ETS)- Presenter, Candace Walkington (SMU), Jesse Sparks (ETS), Matthew Bernacki (UNC-CH)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Colorado Ballroom, Room GH

  • 9:50am to 11:20am (MDT)


    Candace A. Walkington (SMU)- Discussant
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2C

  • 11:30am to 1:00pm (MDT)


    Yusuf Kara (UM)- Presenter, Gozde Sirganci (SMU), Xin Qiao (USF), Akihito Kamata (SMU), Sarunya Somsong (SWU & SMU), Michael Fong (SMU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Colorado Ballroom, Room CD

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)


    Kuo Wang (SMU)- Presenter, Yusuf Kara (UM), Akihito Kamata (SMU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Denver Ballroom, Room 5-6

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)


    Joanne Joo (SMU)- Presenter, Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU), Sarah Powell (UT-Austin), Erica Lembke (MU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Colorado Ballroom, Room GH

  • 1:45pm to 3:15pm (MDT)


    Sondra Nicole Barringer (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2F

  • 1:45pm to 3:15pm (MDT)


    Molly Novelli (SMU), Juliana Okonya (UT Austin), Flavio S. Azevedo (SMU), Maximilian Sherard (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 3G

  • 3:35pm to 5:05pm (MDT)


    Author- Michael S. Harris (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center: Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1

Friday, April 25

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Gillian Roehrig (U of M), Muhammad Guntur Purwanto (U of M), Jeanna R. Wieselmann (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F- Poster Session

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Molly Novelli (SMU), Max Edward Love (UT Austin)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Murphy Young (UI), Amy Gillespie Rouse ( UQ), Diane Baty Gifford (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 9:50am to 11:20am (MDT)


    Frank Fernandez (UW), Xiaodan Hu (SMU), Marissa R. Moreno (Lee College), Guillermo Ortega (TTU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom 2E

  • 11:40am to 1:10pm (MDT)


    Joanne Joo (SMU), Emily A. Short (SMU), Clinton Moore (SMU), Syeda Sharjina Akther (UT Austin), Sarah Mae Olivar (AIR), Cassandra Hatfield (SMU), Leanne Ketterlin-Geller (SMU), Sarah R. Powell (UT Austin), Erica S. Lembke (MU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)


    Gozde Sirganci (SMU)- Chair, Yanjun Pan (SMU), Can Mese (IU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)


    Xiaodan Hu (SMU), Frank Fernandez (UW Madison), Matt Capaldi (UF)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 3:15pm to 4:15pm (MDT)


    Gozde Sirganci (SMU), Yanjun Pan (SMU), Can Mese (IU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Penrose Ballroom 1

Saturday, April 26

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    J. Kyle Roberts (SMU), Mai Zaru (SMU), Stephanie Al Otaiba (SMU), Dayna Russell Freudenthal (SMU), Laura McCormack (SMU), Willa van Dijk (USU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Gozde Sirganci (SMU)- Presenter, Yusuf Kara (UM), Michael Fong (SMU), Akihito Kamata (SMU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Denver Ballroom, Room 1-2

  • 9:50am to 11:20am (MDT)


    Magdalena Pando (SMU), Maricela Leon (SMU), Karla Del Rosal (SMU), Catie Dougherty (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1

  • 9:50am to 11:30am (MDT)


    Leanne R. Ketterlin Geller (SMU), Sarah R. Powell (UT Austin), Erica S. Lembke (MU), Andrew P. Swanlund (AIR)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3

  • 9:50am to 11:20am (MDT)


    Jeanna R. Wieselmann (SMU), Ashley M. Lozano (Dallas ISD), J. Kyle Roberts (SMU), Muhammad Guntur Purwanto (U of M)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3

  • 11:30am to 1:00pm (MDT)


    Paul David Foster (SMU)- Presenter, Yusuf Kara (UM), Akihito Kamata (SMU)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Colorado Ballroom, Room GH,

  • 11:40pm to 1:10pm (MDT)


    Brianna R. Freshwater (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 303

  • 11:40am to 1:10pm (MDT)


    Quentin Sedlacek (SMU), Sara Dozer (CSU), Anthony Muro Villa (UC), Michelle Friend (UN), Heather Haeger (U of A), Karla Lomeli (SCU), Joel Alejandro Mejia (UC), Greses Perez (TU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 106

  • 11:40am to 1:10pm (MDT)


    Charity Lewallen (SMU)- Chair
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2F

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)


    Cheyenne Phillips (SMU), Meredith Page Richards (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)


    Yi-Chen Juan (NYCU), Yuan-Hsuan Le (NTHU), Jiun-Yu Wu (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 709

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)

    AERA: Paper Session:

    Jennifer D. Sayed (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 711

  • 1:30pm to 3:00pm (MDT)


    Kuo Wang (SMU)- Presenter, Haowei Hua (The Culver Academies), Hong Jiao (UMD), Dan Song (UI)
    The Hilton Denver City Center, Colorado Ballroom, Room GH

  • 3:20pm to 4:50pm (MDT)


    Zhongrui Yao (FHSU), Yanjun Pan (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4

  • 3:20pm to 4:50pm (MDT)


    Deborah Cockerham (UNT), Lin Lipsmeyer (SMU), Tandra L. Tyler-Wood (UNT)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3

  • 3:20pm to 4:50pm (MDT)


    Sondra Nicole Barringer (SMU), Dustin Grabsch (SMU), Kalkidan (SMU), Caitlin Anderson (SMU), Sakshi Hinduja (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2F

Sunday, April 27

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Justice Toshiba Walker, (UTEP), Seyedahmad Rahimi (UF), Amanda Barany (Penn), Lin Lipsmeyer (SMU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F

  • 8:00am to 9:30am (MDT)


    Candace A. Walkington (SMU), Katie Bainbridge (RU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 103

  • 9:50am to 11:20am (MDT)


    Emily Singell (MU), Gabriella Lyth Donofrio (MU), Allison Dennis (SMU), Lois Ndungu (SMU), Jessica Mao (UT Austin), Erica S. Lembke (MU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3

  • 11:40am to 1:10pm (MDT)


    Deepika Menon (UNL), Jeanna R. Wieselmann (SMU), Allison Johnson (UNL), Brynn Price (SMU), Sumreen Asim (IU), Sarah A. Haines (TU)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F

  • 11:40am to 1:10pm (MDT)


    Ashleyn Pierson (OSU), Corey Brady (SMU), Kathryn Lanouette (CWM)
    The Colorado Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom 3C