American Eductional Research Association (AERA) and National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) 2022
Presentations, papers, panel discussions, roundtables, and mentoring sessions featuring Simmons professors and doctoral students participating in the 2022 AERA Conference and the 2022 NCME Conference can be found below. Complete information, as well as general conference information, is available at the website and the website.
Tuesday, April 19
4:30 to 5:30pm (PDT)
Tiffini Pruitt-Britton (SMU) - Chair
SIG Virtual Rooms, SIG-Research in Mathematics Education Virtual Paper Session Room
Wednesday, April 20
10:00 to 11:30am (PDT)
Tiffini Pruitt-Britton (SMU) - Chair
San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Room 2
1:00 to 5:00pm (PDT)
Robyn Kristine Pinilla (SMU) - Chair
Division Virtual Rooms, Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools Virtual Paper Session Room
Thursday, April 21
8:00am to 4:30pm (PDT)
NCME: Using Stan for Bayesian Psychometric Modeling
Xin Qiao (SMU)
Westin San Diego Gaslamp: Santa Fe
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
An Integrative Variable- and Person-Centered Framework for Representing the Dimensionality of Math Interest
Harsha Perera (UNLV), Matthew L. Bernacki (UNC-CH), Candace A. Walkington (SMU)
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Building, Lobby Level, Marriott Grand Ballroom 4
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Uncovering Children's Spatial Reasoning Through Iterative Cognitive Interview Design
Robyn Kristine Pinilla (SMU), Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller (SMU), Cassandra Hatfield (SMU)
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Building, Lobby Level, Marriott Grand Ballroom 2
9:45 to 11:15am (PDT)
"Slow Down and Pay Attention": Student Homelessness and School-Community Practices During COVID-19
Alexandra E. Pavlakis (SMU), Kessa Roberts (SMU), Meredith Paige Richards (SMU)
San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B
2:30 to 4:00pm (PDT)
National Rural Education Association Research Agenda 2022–2027
Sara Lohrman Hartman (OSU), Kessa Roberts (SMU), Pamela Joy Buffington (EDC), Catharine Biddle (Umaine)
San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Room 1A
4:15 to 5:45pm (PDT)
Easing Transitions in a Time of Crisis: Undergraduate Perceptions of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Instructional Adaptations at a Hispanic-Serving Institution During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Heather Haeger (UA), Quentin Sedlacek (SMU), Corin White (CSUMB), Corin Slown (CSUMB), Lily Anna Amador (CSUMB), Krysta Malech (CSUMB), Viviana Vigil (CSUMB)
Division Virtual Rooms, Division J - Section 1: College Student Learning and Development Virtual Roundtable Session Room
4:15 to 5:45pm (PDT)
Robyn Kristine Pinilla (SMU) - Chair, Elizabeth Lynn Adams - Discussant
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Tower, Ground Level, Pacific Ballroom 18
Friday, April 22
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Elizabeth Lynn Adams (SMU) - Chair
Instructional Practices That Support Equity and Access in Mathematics Classrooms: A Descriptive Analysis
Anne Garrison Wilhelm (SMU), Elizabeth Lynn Adams (SMU), Jonee Wilson (NCSU), Anna Thorp (NCSU), Tiffini Pruitt-Britton (SMU), Natalia Yanez Castillo (NCSU), Danielle Moloney (NCSU)
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom G
9:45 - 11:15am (PDT)
Examining Response Processes Using Cognitive Interviewing: Understanding the Role of Item Features in Elicited Responses
Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU), Jennifer McMurrer (SMU), Muhammad Qadeer Haider (SMU)
Westin San Diego Gaslamp: La Jolla
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Collaborative Teacher Sense-Making Around Mixed-Reality Simulations
Anne Garrison Wilhelm (SMU), Ann Marie Wernick (SMU), Jamie D. Gravell (CSU Stanislaus)
San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Racial and Ethnic Category Usage in Education Research: Trends and Methodological Differences
Dominique Baker (SMU), Karly Ford (PSU), Samantha Viano (GMU), Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero (OSU)
San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Dyslexia in the Dual-Language Classroom: When Can We Detect the Risk for Spanish Speakers?
Victoria Nevin Locke (Istation), Chalie Patarapichayatham (SMU)
SIG Virtual Rooms, SIG-Bilingual Education Research Virtual Roundtable Session Room
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Alexandra E. Pavlakis (SMU) - Panelist
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom E
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Alexandra E. Pavlakis (SMU) - Panelist
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom E
1:15 to 2:15pm (PDT)
A Semiparametric Model for Equating Oral Reading Fluency Scores
Cornelis Potgieter (TCU), Akhito Kamata (SMU)
Evaluating Performance of Model-Based Approach for Equating Oral Reading Fluency Scores
Yusuf Kara (SMU), Akihito Kamata (SMU), Cornelis Potgieter (TCU), Joseph F. T. Nese (University of Oregon)
California Ballroom C -
2:30 to 4:00pm (PDT)
Understanding the Cultural Assumptions in Middle School Algebra Textbook Sections
Tiffini Pruitt-Britton (SMU), Candace A. Walkington (SMU)
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom I
4:15 to 5:45pm (PDT)
Michael S. Harris (SMU) - Discussant
Division Virtual Rooms, Division J - Postsecondary Education Virtual Paper Session Room
6:00 to 7:30pm (PDT)
Anne Garrison Wilhelm (SMU) - Panelist
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Building, Lobby Level, Torrey Pines 2
Saturday, April 23
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Using Sociosemantic Inventory to Describe Emerging Political Discourses When Modeling Segregation With Preservice Teachers
Maximilian Sherard (UT), Anthony J. Petrosino (SMU)
San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Sails Pavillion
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Assessing Middle School Student Computational Thinking in an Immersive Game Environment
Paul Foster (SMU), Ching-Yu Tseng (SMU), Lawrence J. Klinkert (SMU), Elizabeth L. Adams (SMU), Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU), Eric C. Larson (SMU), Corey Clark (SMU)
Westin San Diego Gaslamp: San Diego Ballroom
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
How Much They Have Lost and How Long to Recover?
Chalie Patarapichayatham (SMU), Victoria Locke (Istation)
Westin San Diego Gaslamp: Santa Fe
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Measuring Equitable Mathematics Instruction: An Evaluation of Scores Using Generalizability Theory
Elizabeth L. Adams (SMU), Anne G. Wilhelm (SMU), Rachael N Becker (SMU), Jonee Wilson (NC State University), Temple A. Walkowiak (NC State University), Anna Thorp (NC State University), Tiffini Pruitt-Britton (SMU), Danielle Moloney (NC State University), Natalia Yanez-Castillo (NC State University)
Westin San Diego Gaslamp: Plaza
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Hurricane Harvey and Exclusion From State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Testing in Houston, Texas
Rachael Nicole Becker (SMU), Meredith Paige Richards (SMU), Alexandra E. Pavlakis (SMU), Kessa Roberts (SMU), Maria Jose Hernandez (SMU)
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom D
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
COVID-19 Effects on Students' Achievement in Reading and Math in the United States
Chalie Patarapichayatham (SMU), Victoria Nevin Locke (Istation), Sean Lewis (Istation)
San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Sails Pavillion
11:30am - 1:00pm (PDT)
Candace A. Walkington (SMU) - Panelist
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Tower, Ground Level, Pacific Ballroom 21
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Equity-Focused Coaching Supports in Virtual Environments
Patsy Y Sosa-Sanchez (UNT), Melissa Mosley Wetzel (UT), Sam Brower, Alycia Maurer (OLLU), Lucinda Juarez (OLLU), Claire Collins (UT), Lauren E Wright (UT), Ann Marie Wernick (SMU), Murphy (Keller) Mogensen (SMU)
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: South Building, Level 3 Mission Hills
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Measures of Mathematics Teachers' Behavior and Affect: An Examination of the Assessment Landscape
Melissa A. Gallagher (UH), Emanuele Bardelli (UMich), Timothy Donald Folger (BGSU), Adrian Neely (Morehouse College), Jonathan David Bostic (BGSU), Temple A. Walkowiak (NCSU), Anne Garrison Wilhelm (SMU), Jeremy Zelkowski (University of Alabama)
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom C
1:15 to 2:15pm (PDT)
How Schools, Shelters, and Service Providers Support Students Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mark Pierce (SMU)
Division Virtual Rooms, Division E - Counseling and Human Development Virtual Paper Session Room
2:30 to 4:00pm (PDT)
Dominique Baker (SMU) - Panelist
San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Ballroom 6C
4:15 to 5:45pm (PDT)
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: An Exploratory Case Study of Faculty Views of a Striving Institution
Molly K. Ellis (SMU)
Division Virtual Rooms, Division J - Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching Virtual Roundtable Session Room
Sunday, April 24
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Robyn Kristine Pinilla (SMU) - Participant
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: South Building, Level 3, Marina Ballroom G
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Personalizing Mathematics to Students' Career Interests Using the "Stories of Algebra" Online Environment
Candace A. Walkington (SMU), Matthew L. Bernacki (UNC-CH), Meghan Greene (UNC-CH), Brooke Istas (SMU)
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Balboa BC
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
Rural Student College and Career Readiness: Critical Analysis of the Current Literature and Future Directions
Kessa Roberts (SMU), Phillip D Grant (UWG)
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level - Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom F
1:15 to 2:15pm (PDT)
Multiple-Group Joint Modeling of Item Responses, Response Times, and Action Counts With the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution
Xin Qiao (SMU)
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Gaslamp CD
2:30 to 4:00pm (PDT)
Learning to Conduct Controversial Issue Discussions Through Mixed-Reality Simulations
Rebecca Cooper Geller (UG), Jamie D. Gravell (CSU Stanislaus), Amy Richardson (SMU), Stacy Ann Strang (SMU)
San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Sails Pavillion
2:30 to 4:00pm (PDT)
Robyn Kristine Pinilla (SMU) - Chair, Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller (SMU) - Panelist
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Tower, Ground Level, Pacific Ballroom 18
2:30 - 4:00 (PDT)
Akihito Kamata (SMU) - Session Organizer, Joseph F. T. Nese (University of Oregon) - Session Organizer
Estimating Passage Parameters by the Model-based Approach to ORF Assessment
Cornelis Potgieter (TCU), Yusuf Kara (SMU), Akihito Kamata (SMU)
Estimating Fluency Scores by the Model-based Approach to ORF Assessment
Akihito Kamata (SMU), Cornelis Potgieter (TCU); Yusuf Kara (SMU); Sarunya Somsong (Srinakharinwirot University & SMU); Kuo Wang (SMU)
Evaluation of Various Estimators for Model-based Fluency Scores
Sarunya Somsong, (Srinakharinwirot University & SMU), Kuo Wang (SMU), Anh Thu Le (SMU), Yusuf Kara (SMU)
Practical Implications of the Model-based Approach to ORF Assessment
Yusuf Kara (SMU), Joseph F. T. Nese (University of Oregon), Akihito Kamata, (SMU)
Westin San Diego Gaslamp: La Jolla
Monday, April 25
8:00 to 9:30am (PDT)
A Community of Inquiry: How Simulations Prompt Preservice Teachers to Examine Their Practice
Ann Marie Wernick (SMU), Jillian Marie Conry (SMU), Paige Ware (SMU)
San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B
9:45 to 11:15am (PDT)
Addressing Equity in STEM Through Digital Game-Based Learning Professional Development
Holly Pope (Math Our Way), Anthony Muro Villa (UCR), Quentin Sedlacek (SMU)
Division Virtual Rooms, Division J - Section 6: Society, Culture, and Change Virtual Roundtable Session Room
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Defining Their Spaces and Places: A Qualitative Exploration of the Communities of Higher Education Organizations
Sondra Nicole Barringer (SMU), B. Kathleen Gallagher (TTU), Alicia C. Schortgen (SMU), Emily V. Rasch (SMU)
Division Virtual Rooms, Division J - Section 6: Society, Culture, and Change Virtual Roundtable Session Room
11:30am to 1:00pm (PDT)
Technologies for Situated, Grounded, Embodied Learning: The Unique Role of Extended Reality Experiences
Jacob Fortman (UMich), Rebecca M. Quintana (UMich), Mina Catherine Johnson-Glenberg (ASU), James P Planey (UIUC), Michelle Lui (UToronto), Tom Moher (UIC), Xintian Tu (IU Bloomington), Candace A. Walkington (SMU), Heather Toomey Zimmerman (PSU), Mitchell J. Nathan (UW Madison), Christine Yu (ASU), Don Balanzat (ASU), Anoosh Kapadia (ASU), Robb Lindgren (UIUC), Nathan R Kimball (Concord Consortium), Taehyun Kim (UIUC), Emma M. Mercier (UIUC), Jina Kang (UIUC), Kit-Ying Chong (UToronto), Martha Mullally (Carleton University), Rhonda McEwen (UToronto), Christine Oldenburg-McGee (UMich), Joshua Adam Danish (IU), Noel D. Enyedy (Vanderbilt University), Zachary David Ryan (IU Bloomington), Tessaly Jen (Vanderbilt University), Morgan Vickery (IU Bloomington), Mengxi Zhou (IU Bloomington), Wen Huang (SMU), Susan M. Land (PSU), Lucy McClain (PSU), Katharine Grills (PSU), Yu-Chen Chiu (PSU), Lillyanna Faimon (PSU)
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Tower, Ground Level, Pacific Ballroom 19
2:30 to 4:00pm (PDT)
Incorporating Teacher Voice in the Development of Game-Based Learning Environments
Ching-Yu Tseng (SMU), Paul David Foster (SMU), Elizabeth Lynn Adams (SMU), Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller (SMU), Eric C. Larson (SMU), Vinson Luo, Lawerence J. Klinkert, Corey Clark (SMU)
San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Sails Pavillion
2:30 to 4:00pm (PDT)
Fully Engaged: Examples of Strong Relationships Between Place and Research
Ashley N. Stone (SMU), Kathleen E. Gillon (UMaine)
San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B
Tuesday, April 26
9:45 to 11:15am (PDT)
Racial Ideologies of Students Enrolled in Coursework on African American English at Five U.S. Colleges
Quentin Sedlacek (SMU), Lamisa Ali (SMU), Jordan McLarty (SMU)
San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B
9:45am to 11:15am (PDT)
Robert Rouse (SMU), Amy Gillespie Rouse (SMU)
AERA Virtual Poster Rooms, AERA Virtual Poster Room 1