Senior Vice President for Student Affairs Student Advisory Board

The purpose of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs Student Advisory Board is to provide feedback and student perspective to the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs (SVPSA) on critical issues impacting student life that may arise during the course of an academic year. The Board usually meets once each month during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year.

Membership on the SVPSA Student Advisory Board includes the following individuals: student body president, the two student representatives on the Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, the Student Trustee, and the four Greek Council presidents. Additionally, other students are appointed to the Board through an application process.

Students can fulfill their Civics & Individual (CIE) Proficiency and Experience graduation requirement through participation on the Board.

Ex officio members of the Advisory Board include the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, the Chief of Staff, Dean of Residence Life and Student Housing, University Chaplain, and the Executive Director of Student Development. Others, such as SMU faculty members or SMU alumni may also be appointed as Ex officio members of the Advisory Board.


Apply to Join the 2025-2026 Advisory Board

Applications are open Monday, March 3-Wednesday, March 13 at 12 p.m. (noon).

Learn More and Apply

2024-2025 Board Members

Priya Alexander

Resident Assistant Advisory Board

Aguer Atem

Board Member

Michael Castle

Student Body President

Miles Chen

Board Member

Jazmin Darjean

Board Member

Jamie Davis

Board Member

Will Emmert

Board Member

Jackie Gonzalez

Housing Unification Board Director

Jackson Gordon

Interfraternity Council President

Jamie Gross

Resident Assistant Advisory Board

Reese Harwood

Board Member

Kailey Hernandez

Multicultural Greek Council President

Kennedy Honors

Board Member

Suvwe Kokoricha

Student Rep to the Board of Trustees - Student Affairs Committee

Jude Lugo

Student Trustee

Madeline McGrew

Panhellenic Council President

Regina Moreno Vera

Board Member

Angel Mugambi

Board Member

Raelyn Roberson

Student Athlete Advisory Committee

Pareeni Shah

Student Rep to the Board of Trustees - Student Affairs Committee

Reid Spitler

Graduate Student

Gracia Suppogu

Board Member

Duncan Yozzo

Board Member

Kathy Zeppos

Board Member

Interested in applying to be on the SVPSA Student Advisory Board?

Students interested in applying for the Board must be in good academic and conduct standing with the University, i.e.; cumulative GPA of no less than 3.000; no current or prior conduct record of probation or higher.

Membership Expectations

  1. You will have one (1) mandatory one-on-one meeting with the Executive Director for Student Development and Engagement.
  2. It is mandatory that you are available to attend meetings on Mondays from 12-1:30 PM. If you are unable to meet during this time then you are not eligible to serve as a general member on the VPSA SAB.
    •  The 2025-2026 dates are: 9/8/2025, 10/6/2025, 11/3/2025, 12/1/2025, 2/2/2026, 3/2/2026, 4/6/2026, 5/4/2026
  3. You will be asked to bring topics to the group that is pertinent to SMU students for announcement and discussion.
  4. If you are seeking to fulfill your CIE proficiency through involvement in the SVPSA Student Advisory Board, you will need to meet additional requirements for contact hours and participation reflection and documentation. Learn more on the Office of General Education website and/or at Board orientation once you are selected to join.

Applications for 2025-2026 are open Monday, March 3-Wednesday, March 13 at 12:00 p.m. (noon).

Your current resume and answers to the questions below are required to apply. Please submit both documents as PDFs. Interviews will be held the week of March 24. If you progress in the process you will be contacted to sign-up for an interview time.


  1. Why are you interested in being a member of the Senior Vice President’s Student Advisory Board?
  2. Please describe any personal experiences/opportunities that would contribute to your participation on the board.
  3. What do you see as the role of the board?
  4. What are some of the leadership positions you have held to date?
  5. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to keep information confidential? If so, describe that situation.
  6. How would your peers describe you?