About the Program
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The SEN Education Collective is an extension of the Responsible Mining, Resilient Communities (RMRC) research project funded by the National Science Foundation. The overarching goal of the RMRC project is to better understand and address the sustainability of the artisan, small-scale gold mining industry. This multi-institutional effort is founded and maintained by the Responsible Mining, Resilient Communities Team, including students and faculty from the University of Texas Arlington, Colorado School of Mines, United States Air Force Academy, and University of Colorado Boulder. Our international partner is the Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Sede Medellin.
The RMRC project currently works with communities practicing artisan and small-scale gold mining in Colombia and Peru. The resources posted by the collective are designed around our experience working with these partner communities, however it is our hope they will be utilized by educators all over the globe. Educational materials are posted in both Spanish and English.

The RMRC project, including the SEN Education Collective and materials donated to partner schools, is currently funded by the National Science Foundation Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) through award #1743749.