Richard Helgason
Department |
Department of Engineering Management, Information, and Systems |
Phone |
214-768-3079 |
B.S., Iowa State University, 1962; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1965; M.S., University of Colorado, 1973; M.S., 91制片廠合集, 1976; Ph.D., 91制片廠合集, 1980Computational optimization, especially network flows; Computational geometry, especially identifying generators for convex hulls and cones; Also interested in computer algebra, economic analysis and missile routing
Books and Book Chapters
Algorithms for Network Programming, (with J. Kennington), John Wiley & Sons, (1980).
"Primal Simplex Algorithms for Minimum Cost Network Flows," (with J. Kennington), Chapter 2 in Handbook on Operations Research and Management Science Volume 7, Editors M. Ball, T. Magnanti, C. Monma, and G. Nemhauser, Elsevier Science B.V., North-Holland, Amsterdam, (1995) 85-133.
Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research: Advances in Metaheuristics, Optimization, and Stochastic Modeling Technologies (co-editor with R. Barr and J. Kennington), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (1997).
"Minimum Cost Network Flow Algorithms," (with J. Kennington), Chapter 6 in Handbook of Optimization in Telecommunications, Editors P. Pardalos and M. Resende, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (2006) 147-162.
Refereed Publications听
"A Matrix Method for Ordinary Differential Eigenvalue Problems," (with J. Gary), Journal of Computational Physics, 5(2), (1970), 169-187.
"An Extension of FORTRAN Containing Finite Difference Operators," (with J. Gary), SOFTWARE: Practice and Experience, 2, (1972), 321-336.
"An Efficient Procedure for Implementing a Dual Simplex Network Flow Algorithm," (with J. Kennington), AIEE Transactions, 9(1), (1977), 63-68.
"A Product Form Representation of the Inverse of a Multicommodity Cycle Matrix," (with J. Kennington), Networks, 7(4), (1977), 297-322. (Presented at ORSA/TIMS in San Francisco - 1977.)
"Solving the Pipe Network Analysis Problem Using Optimization Techniques," (with M. Collins, L. Cooper, J. Kennington, and L. LeBlanc), Management Science, 24(7), (1978), 747-760. (Invited paper at ORSA/TIMS in San Francisco - 1977.)
"Primal Simplex Network Codes: State-of-the-Art Implementation Technology," (with A. Ali, J. Kennington, and H. Lall), Networks, 8(4), (1978), 315-340. (Invited paper at ORSA/TIMS in Atlanta - 1977.)
"A New Storage Reduction Technique for the Solution of the Group Problem," (with J. Kennington), Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 26(4), (1979), 681-687. (Presented at ORSA/TIMS in New York - 1978.)
"A Polynomially Bounded Algorithm for a Singly Constrained Quadratic Program," (with J. Kennington and H. Lall), Mathematical Programming, 18(3), (1980), 338-343.
"Computational Comparison Among Three Multicommodity Network Flow Algorithms," (with A. Ali, J. Kennington, and H. Lall), Operations Research, 28(4), (1980), 995-1000.
"Spike Swapping in Basis Reinversion," (with J. Kennington), Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 27(4), (1980), 697-701. (Presented at ORSA/TIMS in Milwaukee - 1979.)
"Splitting the Bump in an Elimination Factorization," (with J. Kennington), Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 29(1), (1982), 169-178. (Presented at ORSA/TIMS in Washington, D.C. - 1980.)
"Improved E_ciency of the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm," (with L. LeBlanc and D. Boyce), Transportation Science, 19(4), (1985), 445-462. (Presented at ORSA/TIMS in Houston - 1981.)
"The Frequency Assignment Problem: A Solution via Nonlinear Programming," (with J. Allen and J. Kennington), Naval Research Logistics, 34, (1987), 133-139. (Presented at Mathematical Programming Symposium at MIT - August 1985.)
"A Generalization of Polyak's Convergence Result for Subgradient Optimization," (with E. Allen, J. Kennington, and B. Shetty), Mathematical Programming, 37, (1987), 309-317.
"An Air Force Logistics Decision Support System Using Multicommodity Network Models," (with A. Ali and J. Kennington), The Annals of the Society of Logistics Engineers, 1(2), (1987), 93-104. (Presented at ORSA/TIMS in Washington, D.C. - 1980.)
"A Parallelization of the Simplex Method," (with J. Kennington and H. Zaki), Annals of Operations Research, 14, (1988), 17-40.
"The Supressed Basis Method," (with B. Patty), Annals of Operations Research, 20, (1989), 233-248.
"Minimal Spanning Trees: A Computational Investigation of Parallel Algorithms," (with R. Barr and J. Kennington), Parallel Computing, 12, (1989), 45-52.
"Preprocessing Schemes and a Solution Method for the Convex Hull Problem in Multidimensional Space," (with J. Dula and B. Hickman), in Computer Science and Operations Research: New Developments in Their Interfaces, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, (1992), 59-70.
"The One-to-One Shortest-Path Problem: An Empirical Analysis with the Two-Tree Dijkstra Algorithm," (with J. Kennington and B. Stewart), Computational Optimization and Applications, 1, (1993), 47-75.
"A Direct Simplex Algorithm for Network Flow Problems with Convex Piecewise Linear Costs," (with R. Murthy), Optimization Methods and Software, 4, (1994), 191-207.
"A Nearly Asynchronous Parallel LP-based Algorithm for the Convex Hull Problem in Multidimensional Space," (with J. Dula and N. Venugopal), in The Impact of Emerging Technology On Computer Science and Operations Research, S. Nash and A. Sofer, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (1995), 89-102.
"A New Procedure for Identifying the Frame of the Convex Hull of a Finite Collection of Points in Multidimensional Space," (with J. Dula), European Journal of Operational Research, 92, (1996), 352-367.
"An Algorithm for Identifying the Frame of a Pointed Finite Conical Hull," (with J. Dula and N. Venugopal), INFORMS Journal on Computing, 10, (1998), 323-330.
"Cruise Missle Mission Planning: A Heuristic Algorithm for Automatic Path Generation," (with J. Kennington and K. Lewis), Journal of Heuristics, 7, (2001), 473-494.
"An Equal-Opportunity-Loss Model for Fairness-based MPLS Network Design," (with R. Barr, S. Jarrar, and M. Petkova), Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Telecommunications Systems - Modeling and Analysis (ICTSMA2005), (2005), 96-110.
B.S., Iowa State University, 1962; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1965; M.S., University of Colorado, 1973; M.S., 91制片廠合集, 1976; Ph.D., 91制片廠合集, 1980