ECE 7310 Introduction to Semiconductors
ECE 7312 Compound Semiconductor Devices and Processing
ECE 7322 Semiconductor Devices and Fabrication
ECE 7330 Electromagnetics: Guided Waves
ECE 7332 Electromagnetics: Radiation and Antennas
ECE 7333 Antenna and Radiowave Propagation
ECE 7336 Introduction to Integrated Photonics
ECE 7356 VLSI Design and Labs
ECE 7321 Semiconductor Device and Circuits
ECE 7375 Random Processes in Engineering
ECE 8355 Transistor Integrated Circuits
ECE 8331 Microwave Electronics
ECE 8364 Statistical Pattern Recognition

Semiconductor and Photonic Devices Track
Learn which core courses are included in this track under M.S. Electrical Engineering