Past Presentations
A summary article of each conference describing the highlights of the presentations is available for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013 and 2015. A summary for the 2018 Coal and Geothermal Workshop is also available.
Programs from the following years are available for download: 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018
The following list is organized by topic and then author. An interactive, searchable list, is also available.
- Benato, Stefano. Transmissivity Evolution During Selected Injection Phases at the Desert Peak EGS Project, NV. Poster, Desert Research Institute, 2013.
- Blackwell, David. Assessment of the Enhanced Geothermal System Resource Base of the United States, SMU Department of Geological Sciences, 2007.
- Bour, Daniel. Multiple Zone Stimulation of EGS Wells - Key to Reservoir Optimization, AltaRock Energy, Inc. 2011.
- Cha, Minsu. Thermal Fracturing Behavior in Well Stimulations of Enhanced Geothermal Systems - Experimental Studies, Texas A&M University, 2018.
- Dunn, Paul. CO2 Generation for EOR and EGS, Enhanced Energy Group, 2013.
- Garg, Sabodh. Geopressured Geothermal Well Tests, Science Applications International, 2007.
- Ledru, Patrick. European EGS Development- The ENGINE Project, BRGM - Research Division - France, 2007.
- Marsh, Bruce. A Radiator – EGS System: A Novel Concept for Geothermal Energy Extraction, Johns Hopkins University, 2015.
- McLaughlin, Howard. Geothermal Energy in Australia, Tristream Resources, 2011.
- Malin, Peter. Engineered Geothermal at Otaniemi and Basel: “End”-members in Drilling and Induced Seismicity? ASIR, 2018.
- Nitschke, George. Converting Geopressured Reservoirs into Renewable Energy Systems, Good Earth Mechanics, 2008.
- Norden, Ben. EGS in the Permian of the North German Basin, Europe: A borehole doublet utilizing a former HC exploration well, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany, 2008.
- Petty, Susan. Enhanced Geothermal Systems 2006 Resource Evaluation, Abstract, AltaRock Energy Inc. 2006.
- Pruess, Karsten. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS): Comparing Water and CO2 as Heat Transmission Fluids, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, 2008.
- Uddenburg, Matt. Newberry EGS Project, AltaRock Energy, Inc., 2013.
- Wyborn, Doone. Large-scale Unconventional Geothermal Development in an Unconventional Site in Australia - Paper, Geodynamics - Australia, 2007.
- Abel, Ric. Geothermal Financing, Prudential Capital Group, 2009.
- Banack, Robert. Financing a Geothermal Development Project, Dundee Securities, 2008.
- Banack, Robert. Geothermal Development and Project Financing, Dundee Securities, 2007.
- Bolen, Ron. A New Angle for Raising Capital for Geothermal Projects, Howard Frazier Barker Elliott, Inc. 2009.
- East, Daniel. Mezzanine Finance Solutions for Geothermal Power, The Carlyle Group, 2013.
- Erdahl, Steve. Financial Analysis of Geothermal Hydrocarbon Coproduction Opportunities, GreenTech Renewables LLC, 2011.
- Hinckley, Elias. Methods to Improve Geothermal Project Development & Carbon and Renewable Tax Credits, Kilpatrick Townsend &Stockton LLP, 2009.
- Hinckley, Elias. Tax Incentives, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, 2011.
- Muns, Allan. Moderator, Enhanced Geothermal Technologies, 2011.
- Smith, James. Oil and Gas Motivation, SMU COX School of Business, 2011.
- Smith, Tim. Geothermal Energy Utilization of Renewable Energy Credit Markets and Tax Credits - Abstract, Elements Market, 2007.
- Smith, Tim. Overview of Renewable Energy Credit Markets, Abstract, Elements Market, 2006.
- Taylor, Mark. Rocks to Riches: Global Geothermal Development, New Energy Finance, 2008.
- Wicklund, James. Where to next? Volatile Economics in the Oil Field, Credit Suisse Managing Director-Equity Research, 2015.
- Hill, Roger. The Role of Geothermal in the Western Utility Portfolio, Abstract, Sandia National Lab, 2006.
- Hollett, Douglas. US Geothermal Program Projects and Focus, DOE Geothemal Technologies Program, 2013.
- Kapner, Mark. Austin Energy’s GreenChoice Program, Abstract, Austin Energy, 2006.
- LaSala, Raymond. DOE Geothermal Focus, U.S. DOE, Geothermal Technologies Program, 2006.
- Mengers, Josh. U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office Desalination Projects, Poster, Geothermal Technologies Office, 2016.
- Ming, Michael. How can RPSEA assist in Project Development, Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA), 2009.
- Morgan, Paul. Raton Basin: Recent & Contemporary Seismicity and Plan for Geothermal Power, Colorado Geologic Survey, 2015.
- Reinhardt, Tim. Progress and Outlook for the Department of Energy’s Geothermal Technology Program, Geothermal Technologies Office, 2016.
- Reinhardt, Tim. Progress and Outlook for the Department of Energy’s Geothermal Technology Program, DOE Geothermal Technologies Program, 2015.
- Taylor, Dub. Texas Renewable Program and Technology Demonstration, State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), 2006.
- Thomas, Holly. DOE Low Temperature Geothermal Mineral Recovery and Play Fairway Assessment, DOE Geothermal Technologies Program, 2015.
- Wall, Ed. Geothermal Projects, DOE Geothermal Technologies Program, 2009.
- Wellinghoff, Jon. Keynote Luncheon, FERC -Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 2013.
- Ziagos, John. The Role of Geothermal Energy in Energy Planning, Abstract, Atmosphere, Earth and Energy Department Directorate, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab. 2006.
- Alcorn, George. Case Study: Developing a Geothermal Project using Abandoned Wells in Texas, Universal GeoPower, LLC, 2009.
- Augustine, Chad. Design Requirements for Commercial Sedimentary Geothermal Projects, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2016.
- Barnett, Peter. A Review of Current Geothermal Development Activities in the Otway Sedimentary Basin, Victoria, Australia - Abstract, Hot Rocks Limited, 2008.
- Blackwell, David and Richards, Maria. Welcome and Overview of Conference, SMU Geothermal Laboratory, 2015.
- Blackwell, David. Scaling up Geothermal Energy- Opportunities & Road Blocks, SMU Department of Geological Sciences, 2009.
- Blackwell, David. Introductory Talk, SMU Department of Geological Sciences, 2007.
- Blackwell, David. Geothermal Resources in Sedimentary Basins, Abstract, SMU Department of Geological Sciences, 2006.
- Brokaw, Casey. Regional Tectonics and Their Thermal Influence on Sedimentary Basins: Denver Basin, Poster, SMU Geothermal Lab, 2016.
- Burnett, David. Adapting Low Environmental Impact Technologies from Oil and Gas Development, Texas A&M GPRI Dept of Petroleum Engineering, 2013.
- Camp, Erin and Jordan, Tessa. Geothermal Reservoir Architecture of the Trenton-Black River Gas Fields, NY, Cornell University, 2016.
- Campbell, Richard. Results of the Demonstration Power Plant on the Pleasant Bayou Geopressured Resource, Abstract, TIC- The Industrial Company, 2006.
- Capuano, Louis. Developing the Oil and Gas Fields of Canada, ThermaSource Inc. 2009.
- Capuano, Louis. A Geothermal and Oil & Gas Drilling Comparison, ThermaSource Inc. 2008.
- Carlson, Garry. Geothermal Potential of Oil and Gas Wells on the Fort Peck Reservation in NE Montana, Gradient Geophysics Inc., 2013.
- Creel, Prentice PE. The Capitan Aquifer - Ellenburger Production Wells - Geothermal Engine Source? KinderMorgan, 2008.
- Creel, Prentice PE. Geothermal Prospects Well Investigations and Considerations: Long Term Well Integrity - Extended Abstract, KinderMorgan, 2007.
- Creel, Prentice PE. Geothermal Prospects - Well Integrity Considerations, KinderMorgan, 2006.
- Crowell, Anna. Using GIS to Estimate Geothermal Energy Reserves in Sedimentary Basins, Poster, University of North Dakota, 2011.
- Cutright, Bruce. The Transformation of Tight Shale Gas Reservoirs to Geothermal Energy Production, UT Austin Bureau of Economic Geology, 2011.
- Cutright, Bruce. Texas Geothermal Projects and Resources, UT Austin Bureau of Economic Geology, 2009.
- Darlow, Rick. Direct Use of Geothermal Energy in Oil & Gas Fields, GeoTek Energy, LLC, 2015.
- Demayo, Trevor and Schrimpf, Pete. Energy Management in Upstream Oil and Gas Operations, Chevron Energy Solutions, 2013.
- Dickey, Halley. Energy Production with Mixed Hydrocarbons and Geopressured Hybrid Systems, TAS Energy Inc., 2013.
- Downey, Marlan. Developing Geothermal Energy from Oil and Gas Wells: The Oilfield Perspective - Abstract, Pecten (Shell) Intl. Arco Intl. and AAPG (Past President), 2007.
- Erdahl, Steve. Expansion of Geothermal: Reusing Produced Oilfield Water, GreenTech Petroleum, LLC, 2013.
- Erdlac, Richard. Ongoing Research Assessment of Geothermal Energy from Sedimentary Basins in Texas, Energy America Geothermal, 2007.
- Erdlac, Richard. Assessment of Geothermal Energy Resources: Permian Basin, Energy America Geothermal, 2007.
- Erdlac, Richard. Texas Geothermal Energy: A Focus on Permian Basin and Trans-Pecos Regions, Abstract, Energy America Geothermal, 2006.
- Erdlac, Richard. Implementing Oil Field Temperature Data for Formation Specific Heat Content, Poster, Abstract, 2009.
- Fox, John. Generating Renewable Energy from Co-Produced Water at Oil & Gas Wells - A Case Study, ElectraTherm, Inc. 2011.
- Fox, John. Generating Renewable Energy from Co-Produced Fluids/Geothermal, ElectraTherm, Inc., 2013.
- Ghoreishi Madiseh, Seyed Ali. Sustainability of Heat Extraction from Decommissioned Petroleum Wells, McGill University, 2015.
- Gosnold, Will. North Dakota Geothermal Projects, UND, Petroleum Research, Education, & Entrepreneurship Center of Excellence, 2011.
- Gosnold, Will. Refining Estimates of Geothermal Power in Sedimentary Basins - Abstract, UND, Petroleum Research, Education, & Entrepreneurship Center of Excellence, 2009.
- Gosnold, Will. A Remarkable Effort to Test the Concept of Electrical Power Generation from Co-Produced Oil Field Geothermal Waters - Abstract , UND, Petroleum Research, Education, & Entrepreneurship Center of Excellence, 2008.
- Gosnold, Will. Geothermal Prospects in the North Central United State, Abstract, UND, Petroleum Research, Education, & Entrepreneurship Center of Excellence, 2006.
- Gosnold, Will. Status of the North Dakota Oil Field Geothermal Projects. Poster, Harold Hamm School of Geology and Geological Engineering Univ. of North Dakota, 2013.
- Gosnold, Will et al. The UND-CLR Geothermal Power Plant, University of North Dakota, 2016.
- Groce, Bernard. Flare Gas Panel: North Dakota Project - Multiple Commodity Streams from Wells, Hess Corporation, 2015.
- Havsed, Ruben. Distributed Low-temperature Geothermal Power from Oil and Gas Wells, Abstract, Climeon AB, 2018.
- Hornbach, Matthew. A Brief Update of Projects and Results from SMU's Geothermal Lab This Year, SMU Huffington Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2016.
- Hutchins, Jamie. Extending the Economic Life of Onshore Petroleum Wells by Reducing Operating Costs, Poster, 2011.
- Johnson, Lyle. Coproduced and Low Temperature Geothermal Resources as Electrical Power Production, Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, 2011.
- Johnson, Lyle. Testing of ORMAT Technology's Low-Temperature Geothermal Application - Abstract, Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, 2009.
- Johnson, Lyle. Produced Water from NPR-3 Oil & Gas Wells for Low-Temperature Geothermal Application - Abstract, Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, 2007.
- Jones, Michael. Geothermal Energy Potential of Oil & Gas Wells: Geospatial Distribution Analysis Utilizing NGDS Data, Poster, University of Texas at Austin, 2016.
- Kaczorowski, Ray. Developing Geopressured Geothermal Resources Gulf Coast Region, International Paper - Mineral Resources, 2007.
- Kerlin, Kevin. Power Generation from Flare Gas using Planetary Rotor Expander Technology, Poster, Helidyne, 2016.
- Li, Kewen. Application of Geothermal Energy from Oil and Gas Fields in China, Stanford Univ. / China Univ. of Geosciences, 2015.
- Macartney, Hal. A Raton Basin Geothermal Prospect, Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc., 2011.
- McGrath, Jenna. Punctuated Equilibrium: Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil & Gas and Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Poster, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015.
- Milliken, Mark. Tea Pot Dome Case Study, Wyoming, Abstract, Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, 2006.
- Morgan, Paul. Geothermal Resources in Colorado's Oil and Gas Basins - Abstract, Colorado Geologic Survey, 2009.
- Naderer, Peter. Transforming Liquidated Hydrocarbon Wells to Geothermal Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers, Poster, 2009.
- Nagihara, Seiichi. Temperature Distribution within Deep Sediments of the Texas-Louisiana Continental Shelf, Poster, Abstract, Dept. of Geosciences, Texas Tech University, 2007.
- Petty, Susan. Engineering Geothermal Systems in Oil & Gas Reservoirs, AltaRock Energy Inc. 2007.
- Petty, Susan. Geothermal Power Generation Potential - Poplar Dome, MT, Abstract, AltaRock Energy Inc. 2006.
- Ravindran, Satish. Flare Gas Panel: North Dakota Project - Multiple Commodity Streams from Wells, HARC, 2015.
- Ravindran, Satish and Ruffer, Chris. Flare Gas Reduction at the Well Head, Poster, HARC, 2016.
- Renner, Joel. Pleasant Bayou, TX Geopressured-Geothermal Reservoir, Abstract, Idaho National Laboratory, 2006.
- Russo, Ben. Why a Utility will Develop Geothermal Energy in Western Louisiana, Cleco Utilities, 2008.
- Sanyal, Subir. Geothermal Power Production from Gas Wells in Texas and Louisiana, GeothermEX Inc. 2009.
- Sanyal, Subir. Assessing Geothermal Power Capacity of Petroleum Wells - Abstract, GeothermEX Inc. 2008.
- Shook, Mike. Heat Extraction from Boreholes, Abstract, Chevron Texaco, 2006.
- Sneary, Loy. Flare Gas Panel: North Dakota Project - Multiple Commodity Streams from Wells, Gulf Coast Green Energy, 2015
- Stepp, Patrick. Overview of Gulf Coast Geopressure Settings, Poster, SMU Geothermal Lab, 2007.
- Suryanarayana, Suri. Annular Circulation Co-Production System as an Alternative Design for Optimization of Total Energy Recovery from Oil and Gas Wells, Blade Energy Partners, 2011.
- Vorum, Martin PE. Modeling Performance and Economics from Coproduced Geothermal Fluids, Paper, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), 2007.
- Williams, Tom. Expand the Economic Potential of Your Oil Fields and be Part of the Global Clean Energy Solution, Poster, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2016.
- Wynn, Richard. Lessons Learned.. continuum. Using the Oilfield as a Base for Alternative Energy Production, Deep River Group, 2018.
- Wynn , Richard. Power of Intersections: Using the Oilfield as a Base for Alternative Energy Production, Abstract, Deep River Group, LLC, 2016.
- Boyd, Toni. Trials and Tribulations of the Oregon Institute of Technology Small-Scale Power Plant, Poster.
- Erdlac, Richard. Constraints and Best Use Practices: The Importance of Texas Geothermal Electrical Energy Production, Abstract, Energy America Geothermal, 2006.
- Higgins, Marian. Community Perceptions: What Does the General Public Think of Geothermal Energy? Texas A&M University, 2015.
- Hill, Roger. Fitting the Small Scale Geothermal Power Plants into the Grand Scheme, Sandia National Lab, 2007.
- Karl, Bernie. Sustainable is Attainable, Chena Hot Springs Resort, Alaska, 2011.
- Karl, Bernie. From Alaska to Reno to Florida - Finding the Heat for Community Development, Chena Hot Springs Resort, Alaska, 2009.
- Karl, Bernie. From Alaska to Florida - Finding the Heat for Community Development, Chena Hot Springs Resort, Alaska, 2008.
- Karl, Bernie. From Hot Water to Hydrogen: Bringing Geothermal Power to AK - Abstract, Chena Hot Springs Resort, Alaska, 2007.
- Karl, Bernie. Geothermal Electrical Applications in Alaska, Abstract, Chena Hot Springs Resort, Alaska, 2006.
- Karl, Bernie. Geothermal Technology Powering Projects in Alaska and China, Chena Hot Springs, 2013.
- Lakic, Nikola. Harnessing Energy and Water in the Salton Sea, Geothermal Worldwide, Inc., 2015.
- Reyes, Jose Martinez. Los Humeros Geothermal Reservoir, Mexico, Poster, Abstract, 2009.
- Straquadine, Tony. Capturing of Waste Heat on Canadian Gas Pipelines, NRGreen Power LLP, 2013.
- von Düring, Bodo and von Düring, Cedric. CHP Generation Forming a Closed Loop GEOTHERMAE / Kroatien, CLEAG AG, Luzern /Switzerland, 2015.
- Aguirre, Andrea. Assessment of Low Grade Geothermal Resources: A case study for NY and PA. Poster, Cornell University Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2013.
- Anderson, Brian. Feasibility of Deep Direct Use Geothermal on the WVU Campus-Morgantown, WV, West Virginia University, 2018.
- Ballouz, Hala. Integration and Impact of Geothermal on Transmission and Distribution, Electric Power Engineers, 2016.
- Barta, John. Sustainability for Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources, Poster, University of Nevada, Reno, 2016.
- Batir, Joe. East Texas Geothermal Reservoir Study for New Deep Direct Use Application, 91制片廠合集, 2018.
- Batir, Joe. Updated Heat Flow Map of Alaska: Developing a regional scale map for exploration from limited data, SMU Huffington Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2015.
- Benoit, Dick. Scaling and Corrosion Abatement, Sustainable Solutions, 2006.
- Blackwell, David. BHT Data Corrections, Poster, 2004.
- Brunson, Burke. Geophysical Analysis of the Paleogeothermal Gradient and Heat Flow in the Williston Basin, ND, University of North Dakota, 2018.
- Crowell, Anna. Recoverable Thermal Energy for Geothermal Power Production in the Denver Basin. Poster, Harold Hamm School of Geology and Geological Engineering Univ. of North Dakota, 2013.
- Cutright, Bruce. Finding Geothermal Resources for Project Development, UT Austin Bureau of Economic Geology, 2013.
- Deighton, Ian. Basin Temperature Modeling Using Large Bottom Hole Temperature Datasets, Abstract, TGS, 2015.
- Erdlac, Richard. A Systematic Approach to Geothermal Power Classification - Abstract, Energy America Geothermal, 2008.
- Frone, Zach and Bolat, Mert. Play Fairway Analysis of the low-temperature utilization in the Appalachian Basin, Poster, SMU Huffington Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2015.
- Gosnold, Will. Concept for a Distributed Baseload Electrical Power System in the Williston Basin, University of North Dakota, 2018.
- Grysen, Taylor et al. Geothermal Heat Flow Map of Sumatra, Indonesia, Poster, Ball State University, 2016.
- Holbrook, John. New Focus on Sedimentary Basins with SEDHEAT, TCU, 2013.
- Hootsmans, James. Geothermal Potential of Maine. Poster, Colby College, 2013.
- Humber, Jeff. Proposed USAID Geothermal Resource Assessment in Pakistan, USAID Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs (OAPA), 2018.
- Ingram, Mark. Basin Analysis and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Bali Basin, Indonesia, With Expanded Geothermal Heat Flow Map of Sundaland, Abstract, Ball State University, 2018.
- Jayaraju, N. Geothermal Energy in India: Past, Present and Future Scenarios, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, India, 2018.
- Jeandel, Elodie. Hydrocarbon-Geothermal Co-Production Challenges in Eastern Europe: Geothermal Pilot Projects for Heat and Electricity in Serbia (GOSPEL Project), Poster, EDF/EIFER, 2018.
- Jiménez, Héctor Miguel Aviña and Benítez Torreblanca, Miguel Ángel. iiDEA Group research update, part of CeMIE – Geo, Poster, Grupo iiDEA, UNAM, 2016.
- Kay, Martin. Solving the Geothermal Data Puzzle, MLKay Technologies, LLC, 2011.
- Keller, Randy. Integrated Studies of Thermal Regimes and Geothermal Potential in Oklahoma. Poster, Oklahoma Geological Survey, 2013.
- Kerr, Ben. Geostatistical Analysis of Temps: Deep Aquifers, British Columbia, Poster, 2008.
- Klenner, Rob. North Dakota Geothermal Energy, Poster, Abstract, 2009.
- Leidig, Mark. Induced Seismicity: Can it be good for your field? Weston Geophysical Corp. 2011.
- Liu, Victor. New Energy Enterprises and Connecting them to the Grid - Abstract, Hunt Energy Enterprises, 2008.
- Lubetsky, Jessica. Heat is Power Panel: Transferring Technology Successes from Geothermal to Waste Heat to Power Projects, Pew’s Clean Energy Program, 2015.
- Lukawski, Maciej. The Impact of Well Drilling Costs on the Economics of Geothermal Energy Utilization, Cornell Energy Institute Earth Energy Program, 2013.
- Malin, Peter. Drilling 5 km to Boiling: The st1 Helsinki District-heating Gamble, ASIR, 2016.
- McCall, Shannon. New Perspectives on Geothermal Development, Telios Corporation - MEP Engineering, 2009.
- McKenna, Jason. Geothermal Potential in Military Facilities, Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006.
- Messina, Mario. Energy 2050, Messina Chemicals Inc. 2008.
- Mines, Greg. Contributors to the Cost of Geothermal Power Production, Abstract, Idaho National Laboratory, 2006.
- Morgan, Paul. Geothermal Gradients and Geothermal Opportunities in the Piceance Basin, Colorado. Poster, Colorado Geological Survey, 2013.
- Nagihara, Seiichi. A Borehole Geothermal Database for the US Exclusive Economic Zone of the Gulf of Mexico, Dept. of Geosciences, Texas Tech University, 2011.
- Newell, Michael. Heat is Power Panel: Transferring Technology Successes from Geothermal to Waste Heat to Power Projects, Ener-G-Rotors, Inc., 2015.
- Nitschke, George. Converting Geopressured-Geothermal Reservoirs into Renewable Energy Systems, Good Earth Mechanics, LLC, 2018.
- Pitcock, Rebecca. Geothermal Heat Flow in Northern Indonesia, Ball State University, 2018.
- Pudyastuti, Kris. Thermal Characteristics in Initial Conditions (Natural State), Geothermal Field at South Sumatra – Indonesia, Universitas Trisakti , Jakarta, Indonesia, 2018.
- Reinhardt, Tim. Low Temp/Coproduction Success … Moving Power Systems. Poster, DOE Geothemal Technologies Program, 2013.
- Reyes, Agnes. Harnessing Low-Enthalpy Heat in New Zealand, 2006.
- Richards, Maria. Eastern Texas Geothermal Mapping, Poster, 2009.
- Richards, Maria. Geothermal Map of N. America, Poster, 2008.
- Ruzo, Andrés. What to Consider for a Geothermal Business Plan, Poster, 2009.
- Sneary, Loy. Heat is Power Panel: Transferring Technology Successes from Geothermal to Waste Heat to Power Projects, Gulf Coast Green Energy, 2015.
- Stepp, Patrick. Texas Geothermal Resources, Poster, 2008.
- Tester, Jeff. The Future of Geothermal: Studying its Potential to be a Major Provider of US Electric Power, Cornell University, 2007.
- Tidwell, Preston. Low Temperature Geothermal Waste Heat to Power, Poster, Texas A&M Global Petroleum Research Institute, 2015.
- Treadgold, Galen. Azimuthal Processing for Fracture Prediction and Image Improvement - Abstract, Weinman Geoscience, 2008.
- Wallace, Kevin. Dinosaur and Ant are Friends! - O&G and Geothermal Can Join Forces, Power Engineers, Inc. 2011.
- Waples, Doug. Present and Paleosurface Temperatures: The Start of the Subsurface Temperature Story, Sirius Exploration Geochemistry, 2016.
- Ziagos, John. Visualizing Future Exergy Flows, Atmosphere, Earth and Energy Department Directorate, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab. 2007.
- Boone, Peter. Leasing State-Owned Mineral Estate, GLO Texas General Land Office, 2007.
- Cozzi, Michael. Marketing Geothermal Generated Power in The Texas Deregulated Retail Electric Market, Cirro Energy Services, Inc. 2008.
- Cozzi, Michael. Important Factors, ERCOT Market Participants, Cirro Energy Services, Inc. 2007.
- Erdlac, Richard. State Policy Recommendations for Geopowering Texas, Energy America Geothermal, 2007.
- Gibson, Martin. Geothermal Leases and the Regulatory Environment, Patton Boggs, LLP, 2009.
- Johnson, Doug. Regulations Applicable to the Development of Geothermal Resources in Texas, Abstract, Railroad Commission of Texas, 2006.
- Martínez Juárez, Eduardo. Implications of the Mexican New Regulatory Framework for Geothermal, Poster, iiDEA Group, National Auton. Univ. of Mexico, 2015.
- Ryan, Jason. Getting to the Core Rules and Regulations of Geothermal Development, RyanGlover L.L.P. 2008.
- Sandwell, Paul. Texas Railroad Commission Databases - Demystified, Frontier Energy Services, 2008.
- Schue, James. Geothermal Regulation in Texas, Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc, 2013.
- Shaw, Kevin and Furlow, John. Geothermal Development Rights: Considerations for the Oil & Gas Operator, Mayer Brown LLP, 2015.
- Simmons, Camisha. Purchasing Oil and Gas Assets in Bankruptcy, Simmons Legal PLLC, 2018.
- Smith, Russel. The Texas Renewable Industry, Abstract, Texas Renewable Energy Industry Association, 2006.
- Southerland, Kelsey. US Waste Heat and Renewable Power Policy Impacts, Heat is Power Association, 2013.
- Stepp, Katie. Geothermal Trespass and the Rule of Capture, Deans & Lyons, LLP, 2009.
- Vaughan, Susanne. Texas Generation Development Paralysis, Austin Energy, 2008.
- Wright, Bob. Geothermal Property Rights: Maximizing Successful Site Control, Baker Botts L.L.P. 2011.
- Albers, Walter. Improving Electrical Generating Efficiencies of Well Geofluids [Abstract], Poster, 2009.
- Albers, Walter. Technology for Adiabatic Temperature Increases; Detailed Paper, Poster, 2008.
- Antaya, Bob. Emerging Technologies Forum, Dry Coolers, Inc. 2009.
- Benítez Torreblanca, Miguel Ángel. Fault-tolerant Instrumentation System for Flash Evaporation Binary Cycle, Poster, iiDEA Group, National Auton. Univ. of Mexico, 2015.
- Buursink, Marc. The potential for merging a regional low-temperature geothermal resources assessment with the recent USGS geologic carbon dioxide storage assessment - Abstract, USGS, 2016.
- Chen, Lea-Der. Heat Transfer Model Estimating Energy Extraction from a Closed-Loop Geothermal System, Poster, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, 2016.
- di Schio, Clotilde Rossi. Opportunities for ORC Technology in Oil and Gas Fields, Turboden s.r.l., 2015.
- Dickey, Halley. Keeping it Simple: Developing Economically Viable Projects, Turbine Air Systems, Ltd. 2011.
- Dickey, Halley. Power Economic Estimator, Turbine Air Systems, Ltd. 2011.
- Dickey, Halley. Emerging Technologies Forum - Abstract, Turbine Air Systems, Ltd. 2009.
- Dye, Jeff and Jacobs, Dexter. Stored Heat, Recovered Potential: Energy Storage and Efficiency Solutions, Poster, LoCap Energy , 2016.
- Dye, Jeff and Jacobs, Dexter. Shaving Peak Energy Loads: Combining Battery Storage and Geothermal, LoCap Energy, 2015.
- Dunn, Paul. Baseline System Costs for 50.0 MW Enhanced Geothermal System, Gas Equipment Engineering Corporation, 2011.
- Dunn, Paul. CO2 Generation for EOR and EGS - Abstract, Gas Equipment Engineering Corporation, 2009.
- Erickson, Don. Power Cycles for Low Temp. Geothermal Heat- Abstract, Energy Concepts, 2007.
- Fichtel, Ed. Technology for the Future of Geothermal Development, UTC Power, 2008.
- Gatlin, Denise. Geothermal Sustainability at WCU: Performance of a 350-well District Geoexchange System. Poster, West Chester University in Pennsylvania, 2013.
- Hageman, Brian. Deluge 250 kW Low - Temperature Electric Generator, Deluge Inc, 2007.
- Hageman, Brian. The Natural Energy Engine Technology, Deluge Inc, 2008.
- Hageman, Brian. NBC News Appearance, Wyoming Video Clip, Deluge Inc, 2007.
- Haggar, Kathy. Cloud-to-ground Lightning: A Newly Recognized Natural Resource Exploration Tool, Poster, Dynamic Measurement, LLC, 2016.
- Hasan, Rashid et al. An Environmentally Friendly Closed-loop Geothermal Energy Extraction System, Poster, InnerGeo LLC, 2016.
- Hauenstein, Mark. Geothermal Storage Applications, UC-Won in partnership with RenewGeo and Homestretch Geothermal, 2018.
- Hays, Lance. Optimizing Separation and Power Generation from Two- and Three-Phase Well Flows, Abstract, Energent Corporation, 2006.
- Hernandez, Rafael. Emerging Technologies Forum, Halliburton, 2009.
- Hornbach, Matt. ENAM - Finding New Plays Off-shore the Carolinas, SMU Huffington Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2015.
- Horne, Roland. Downhole Enthalpy Measurement in Geothermal Wells with Fiber Optics, Stanford University, 2008.
- Hummel, Steven. Radial Outflow Turbine Technology in ORC Applications for Co-produced Water and Oil & Gas Application, Exergy S.p.A. , 2016.
- Hunt, Robert. High Carnot Efficiency, Ultra - Low - Temps... the Geothermal Power Cycle- Abstract, Linear Power Technology, 2008.
- Hunt, Robert. Pressurized Natural Gas Wells, Linear Power Technology, 2007.
- Hunt, Robert. The Kinetic Energy Potential of Pressurized Gas Wells, Linear Power Technology, 2007.
- Islam, Raka et al. An Efficient Closed-loop Geothermal Energy Extraction System, Texas A&M University , 2016.
- Jones, Karen. How to Explore for Geothermal Resources Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery - Abstract, Poster, 2009.
- Karl, Bernie. Columbia Oxy Project - Synchronize Screw Expander, Chena Hot Springs, 2015.
- Kerlin, Kevin. Total-Flow Geothermal Power Generation, Poster, 2011.
- Kerlin, Kevin. New Rotary Expander for High Pressure Natural Gas, Helidyne, LLC, 2013.
- Kerlin, Kevin. New Rotary Expander for High Pressure Natural Gas, Helidyne, LLC, 2015.
- Krishnamurthy, Ravi. Assisted Cracking of Production, Intermediate & Surface Casing in a Geothermal Application, Blade Energy Partners, 2015.
- Langson, Richard. Water and Steam Applications of the Langson Helical Screw Energy Converter, Langson Energy, 2013.
- Letendre, Guy. Emerging Technologies Forum, Lava Energy Systems Inc. 2009.
- Levey, Charles. Electric Power Industry Trends and the Role of Renewable Energy, Pratt & Whitney Power Systems, 2011.
- McTigue, Josh. Geothermal Energy and Thermal Storage, NREL, 2018.
- Murphy, Alan. Drinking Water for Oil & Gas Camps or Entire Communities, STW Water Process & Technologies, 2015.
- Myers, Kevin. High-Potential Working Fluids for Next-Generation Binary ORC for EGS: Supercritical ORC, GE Global Research, 2011.
- Normann, Randy. Anyone's Programmable Logging Tool, Poster, Perma Works LLC, 2016.
- Normann, Randy. What Makes a Tool Fail? Perma Tools, 2008.
- Normann, Randy. Hydro-Fracturing Monitoring Tool for Geothermal Reservoirs, PermaWorks, LLC, 2013.
- Olson, Bill. Commercialization of Distributed Technology, ElectraTherm, Inc. 2008.
- Otto, Michael. Geothermal Energy Utilization: A 300°C Directional Drilling System for Geothermal and EGS Wells, Poster, 2011.
- Pálsdóttir, Arna. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Lithium from Geothermal Waters Using Strategically Engineered Crown Ether Extractants, Cornell University, 2018.
- Passera, Simone and Rossi di Schio, Clotilde. Enhanced Efficiency, Sustainable Power Generation, and CO2 Emission Reduction Through Organic Rankine Cycle Technology, Turboden S.r.I., 2016.
- Petty, Susan. Transitioning Coal to Geothermal: Baseload Renewable Power with no CO2, Hotrock Energy Research Organization, 2016.
- Pierce, Michael. Gravity Head Energy – Using Geothermal to Drive Production Pumps, GeoTek Energy, LLC, 2013.
- Pudyastuti, Kris. Evaluation and Optimization of Aerated Drilling Well-Z, Geothermal Field-M, Poster, Trisakti University, Jakarta , 2015.
- Pudyastuti, Kris. PTS Surveys to Determine Production Capacity by Using Wellbore Simulator, Trisakti University, Jakarta, 2015.
- Quiros, Diego. A Novel Approach to Automated, In-Field Seismic Exploration and Monitoring via Seismic Interferometry with Ambient Noise, Baylor University, 2018.
- Ramos Campos, Oscar I. Thermal Analysis & Design of a Modular Desalination Plant with Low Enthalpy Resources, Poster, iiDEA Group, National Auton. Univ. of Mexico, 2015.
- Reinhardt, Tim. Geothermal Technologies Program 2011, DOE Geothermal Technologies Program, 2011.
- Ronzello, Michael. Installation of PureCycle Projects...Geothermal Success, Pratt & Whitney Power Systems, 2009.
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- Russell Tejeda, Bayron Uriel. Technical Comparison of Organic Fluids as the Working Fluid of a Binary Cycle of Flash Evap., Poster, iiDEA Group, National Auton. Univ. of Mexico, 2015.
- Ryan, Tim. Radial Inflow Turbines for Kalina and Organic Rankine Cycles, Poster, 2008.
- Schick, Lincoln. Determining Suitable Water Zones from Log Analysis, Poster, Mogul Energy International, 2015.
- Sisler, John. Real-Time Sensors for Multi-Phase Measurement of Pipe Flows in Steam and Gathering Lines, Poster, Steamfield Sensors Inc., 2018.
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- Stonecipher, Jody. Emerging Technologies Forum, Tranter, Inc. 2009.
- Stump, Brian. Learning from Induced Seismicity in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area, SMU Huffington Dept. of Earth Sciences, 2015.
- Suryanarayana, Suri. Strain-Based and Low Cycle Fatigue Methods to Design Geothermal Well Tubulars, Blade Energy Partners, 2016.
- Thomsen, Paul. Improvements in Modular Technology, ORMAT Technologies Inc. 2007.
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- Uddenburg, Matt. Stimulation Technology: Economics and Application, AltaRock Energy, Inc., 2015.
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- Williams, Wade. High Temperature Electronics for Downhole Environments, Joule Sales, 2015.
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- Cutright, Bruce. What Are We Missing in Developing Geothermal Reservoirs? Thermal Energy Partners, 2018.
- Petty, Susan. Coal to Geothermal: Engineered Geothermal Systems, Hotrock Energy Research Organization, 2018.
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